couch potato.


Lakai and I moved into our house a little over two years ago... hard to believe. If you know me, you know I LOVE interior design, but for some reason I was hesitant to decorate anything in my house. So for the last two years we have been living in the Land of Beige. The walls were beige, the trim work was beige, the carpet was beige and our sofa was beige. It quite literally would give me anxiety to walk in and see no life to our home. No color. If I had to describe my house in one word, it would be BLAH.

But at Thanksgiving, it all changed. We sold the sofa. I didn't know I would need to embrace myself for the one repeated question every time we walked into the house for the next two and half months, "Heyyyy, where'd our couch go?" Lakai asked this day in and day out. He was so concerned that we would have no where to sit, so I would softly remind him that soon enough we would have another sofa. We ordered our new, bigger, deep chocolate, comfy as all get out, sectional. I have impatiently waited for the arrival of this beauty for months.

Two weeks ago we painted the walls a luscious gray-blue. The color is to die for. Even with no furniture, I can walk into the house and melt when looking at the wall color.

Finally, yesterday the sofa arrived and I was able to pull everything together! Our house is finally looking more like a home and I love it!

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