b is for boys.


How blessed am I? Words cannot express the gratitude I feel for the boys in my life...

Today I was reminded just how lucky I'm for the these boys. Last night Lakai made a side comment that he wanted to come to work with me. I smiled and told him he'd have to wake up super early to come with momma; then the day went on as normal. Well, little man crawled into bed with us last night and this morning, around 5:00 am Lakai started to stir. Soon his little peepers opened and I knew this could be bad for a very sleepy daddy. I snuggled Kai up and we cuddled for some time before I knew I just couldn't put off getting up any longer. Kai said no words, but gave me the sweetest kiss and then rolled over. I assumed he was going  back to sleep, so I got up and made my way to the bathroom, closed the door ever so quietly and got myself going for the day. It wasn't more than fifteen minutes before I heard the door open behind me. I looked in the mirror and saw only my reflection. This meant one thing... little man was awake. I turned around and scooped his tiny frame up. We breathed each other in for a few more minutes, then made our way down stair so I could get him some breakfast and daddy could keep sleeping. As I was about to go back to getting ready I heard the sweetest, raspy morning voice say, "Mommy, remember yesterday you said if I got up early I could go to work?" I should have known. Lakai's big sleep eyes gazed at me for an answer. I just sat there with a half quirked smile, truly amazed by him. He looked so innocent in that moment... well he is, but it was that innocence that reminds me that he looks to Ryan and I. That this little boy is growing and although he sometimes tests my patience, he brings innocence to our lives and makes us all the better. In a world full of negativity and temptation, our three year old has brought us love, sanity, perspective and a home of pure oasis. He truly has been my salvation when daily distractions tempt to derail me. I'm so lucky.

But there are numerous reasons these boys bless my life:

1. Ryan helps me... A LOT. Not just as my companion, but he helps our family get through the day. He's my rock.
2. Lakai renews my soul with his imagination. Although stuffy, laying under blankets playing "car" has become a regular activity that brings us lots of giggles.
3. Ryan brings adventure to my life and pushes me in ways I don't push myself.
4. Lakai has taught me all about "boy stuff", yet just the other day he said, "Mommy your dress is beautiful." and he reminds me that mommas help boys see the beauty in the world.
5. Ryan listens to crazy music. I often have to be in the mood to enjoy it, but I know if I ever need a good song to move to, I can come to him. His eclectic taste in music has also allowed me to broaden my horizons. When commercials come on my favorite county station, I can sometimes be found listening to JAZZ... What has gotten into me?
6. Lakai's curiosity teaches me something new daily. I also have become quite the story teller thanks to the question, "why?"
7. Ryan isn't the most romantic man to have ever walked this earth, but he pet named me "Tender" and it just about melts my heart every time he says it. It never gets old.
8. Lakai's excitement for EVERYTHING reminds me to not take the little things for granted. Our family is truly blessed by all we have and sometimes, in a busy world, it is easily forgotten. Lakai gets excited when he sees a snail and he has love for just about every creature and material object known to man. He brings meaning to those things I typically forget about.
9. I have seen quotes and stories before, but Ryan told me that the best way he can be a father is to love his children's mother and I feel truly blessed by this sentiment because I know I'm loved by Ryan. Even when life gets crazy and we don't see each other as much as I like, I know this man is a good man, great father and will be a fantastic husband. He loves us and that's one of the greatest blessing he could give me.

10. Soon we will have another little man in our lives. That is a blessing in itself. I always thought it was inevitable that I'd live in a house full of boys and now that it is finally happening, I'm not sure I'd have it any other way. The two men in my life have given me so much to live for and my life so much meaning that I can only imagine what it will be like with three rascals!

Welcome to the family baby boy! We can't wait to meet you and see how just like your brother, you will change and bless our lives :)


  1. I love reading your posts Trist:) Crazy to think that you are a soon to be momma of 2:) I have to say that your little man is a doll!

  2. Aww thanks Cath! You're the sweetest! I really can't believe it myself! If you would have told me that when Ryan and I started dating we'd have two kids by 25 I wouldn't have believed you. It's crazy just so exciting!


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