lakai's birth story.


Three years ago my life forever changed. I could never have guessed what an amazing blessing God was about to allow me to wrap my arms around. What tenderness I was going to be permitted to softly give kisses too. The responsibly I was being entrusted with. I have never recounted Lakai's birth story in writing, so I feel today that it is long over due.

Some of you have heard this story before. I'm a little sad that I haven't written this down earlier, because even after only three years the details are beginning to get fuzzy. But here we go...

On March 24, 2009, I went scheduled for my weekly doctors appointment. I appeared healthy and happy as a clam, but oddly enough my blood pressure was slightly high. Because I was still a week away from my due date, by doctor felt I should take it easy and go onto bed rest. If you know me... well this just did not fly. After only one day this girl was stir crazy.

This is the part in the story where no one gets to judge... I took caster oil. Yep... I said it, and I did it. On the night of March 25, 2009, I decided to give this little wive's tale a try. I downed a good ol' glass of OJ and caster oil. The pregnant women's cocktail. About an hour after drinking this concoction, my belly starting turning and I had to call it a night. Little did I know...

At 1:45 am on March 26, 2009, I woke up to go to the bathroom. My stomach still felt upset and I was eager to get back in bed. Ryan hadn't gotten off work until 1:00 am, and decided he would go visit his dad (don't ask me why he thought this was a good time to pay a friendly visit). He still wasn't home when I got back in bed. Almost immediately after I laid back down, I left it. That warm sensation I hadn't felt in bed since I was about eight year old. Initially I thought I had wet the bed, but through my groggy state of mind I realized my water had just broke. I don't think I have ever zipped into the shower so quickly. I ran, literally as fast as any full term pregnant woman can run, and stood in the shower. Not knowing what I should do next, I called Ryan. He immediately was home and after quickly changing his clothes he asked, "Do you think this will be okay?" Mind you... my water has broke, I'm standing in the shower, and I only have a top on at this point. Ryan realizes that his attire is about last on my priority list and he finds me some clothes and we pack up, not acknowledging that when we return to our home our lives will forever be changed.

On the way to the Southwest Medical Birthing Center my contractions started intensifying. Before you are checked into your room, you go into a waiting area where nurses can confirm you are in labor. Ryan and I sat in this room for about an hour. My mom and Ryan's Grandma Dori had arrived, but I really didn't want people talking to me or asking questions.

Finally, about and hour and a half later we were in our room. I'm truly amazed at how calm I was through everything. I always viewed labor as a terrifying experience, but I felt God's presence protecting me and was calm. I liked the quietness of the birthing center. It truly is a wonderful place for babies to come into the world. Ryan and I got settled in and my doctor, Dr. Griffith, came in to check my dilation. After only two hours of labor I was already at 7.5 centimeters. The nurse asked us what my birth plan was and I quickly replied "epidural." The nurse informed me that the birth center was full and the anesthesiologist would be here as soon as he could, but I may have to deliver naturally. I looked at Ryan and he could see the tears in my eyes starting to swell. I cried in fear I wouldn't be able to do it.

Once again, I believe God was on my side that day. Lakai had turned his head, and at about 8 centimeters I had quit dilating. This gave me enough time to get the epidural, and some much needed rest. After a short rest my doctor had me turn onto my side so Lakai's head could shift into a better position. I turned several times and Lakai wiggled his little body perfectly.

At roughly 10:30 am I was ready to start pushing. I don't remember pushing long, but at 11:07 am, a perfect baby boy was laying on my chest as tears poured down Ryan and my's cheeks. I will never be able to fully describe the joy that was in my heart at that moment. Holding a sweet, tender, fresh new baby stings the heart with emotion, allowing every pore in your soul to pour love onto this child. It is incredible and I will forever hold on to that moment. Ryan's salty, but sweet tears smearing across my forehead as we embraced our new little Lakai Scott Boell.

Lakai was 7lb. 11oz. and he measured 19 inches long. His head was coned and he had the most silly grandpa hair a baby could have upon their head. His demeanor was kind and that kindness still shows daily in his spirit. He cried very little and was very cuddly.

We were in the hospital for three days to make sure he was strong and healthy. The nurses took him twice so we could rest and each time I couldn't wait to have you back in my arms, but was so humbled when they always brought the news of how perfect of a munchkin you were for them.

I will forever love being your momma and I will cherish the moment I first held you. I promise to try and be the best momma I can to you and you will always be a sweet, tender little soul.

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