soccer disasters and improvements.


I have put off writing this post because soccer class has made Ryan and I feel like terrible, ill-equipped parents.

Three weeks ago, Ryan and I signed Lakai up for a parent-child indoor soccer class. We both were ecstatic and excited for Lakai to be in his very first organized sport. Lakai seemed enthusiastic too! He couldn't wait to bring his soccer ball onto the field and kick it around.

On the first day of class, Lakai ran out onto the field and immediately began jumping, kicking and giggling with daddy. All was going well until the coach asked for all the kids to come sit in a circle for stretching. Lakai decided to go pout by a wall, and each time Ryan and I tried to approach him, he would grumpily say, "I'm fine mommy, leave me alone." Ryan decided to try and capture some pictures of Mr. Pouty Pants, but when Lakai realized this, he can running at Ryan, full force, arms swinging. He was a savage. Completely unruly. I had to take him off the field twice, and sit with him until he calmed down. All the other children appeared to be on their best behavior and looked like they were having so much fun. Ryan and I were trying to keep our spirits high and just laugh it off, but it was an epic fail.

The second week didn't go much better. To make matters worse, Ryan had to work and I was left to weather the storm alone. Lakai had no interest in listening or participating in the activities. I left wondering if we should drop the class. I started reviewing every possible reason for his bad behavior... Was he hungry? Was he sleepy? Did he feel uncomfortable around the other kids? Should Ryan and I rule out all sport participation in the future? Should we take him to therapy? Was his sick? Does he have a behavior disorder? Am I a terrible parent? Have we babied him too much? Is he too spoiled? With sports off the table, should we try and get him a head start in education so we can rely on an academic scholarship? The reviewing of possibilities was exhausting.

We decided to continue the class, and this past Saturday, Ryan and I were blown away by Lakai's behavior. He did a complete 180. He was an amazing listener. He participated in all the games. He still felt uncomfortable during stretching, but sat next to us. He and daddy ran, jumped, passed the ball, laughed and smiled! Watching Ryan and Lakai warmed my heart.

I'm so glad we didn't drop the class. I've come to the conclusion that Lakai just needed to adjust to a different schedule. Best of all... by not being so caught up in Lakai's behavior, I noticed a few of the other children misbehaving :)

1 comment:

  1. Oh! My Gosh. What a Mental Picture your story set in my mind.. Tristin, you are a talented writer. This reminds me of the time when your mother was about the same age as Lakai and had been asked to be the Bible Bearer at a Jobs Daughter's Installation. She absolutely refused and totally made a big scene and I thought I was the worst parent in the world because I couldn't control her behavior. Now over forty years later, that incident is long forgotten and she grew up to be a pretty normal and very nice lady. You and Ryan are doing a terrific job and I honor you for the great parents you are. Lakai is absolutely adorable and a very blessed little man.


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